Raphael Muema
team Lead
Ecovex Systems Ltd is a one stop industry leader in the supply, Installation and maintenance of solar and security systems in the Kenya.
We aim to provide homes and businesses throughout Kenya with sustainable solar energy solutions & quality security systems.
If your objective is to drive down your energy costs or do away with them all together, Impact positively on the environment or adopt modern security and surveillance systems, We at Ecovex systems Ltd are more than happy to be of good service.
our mission
To Provide Reliable Solar Energy & Security Solutions
To demystify solar and security systems in both urban and rural areas.
To provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, solar energy and security systems to all.
To empower the masses by imparting knowledge on use of modern solar energy and security related technologies.
What makes us stand out
Our Values
We have a strong policy on sustainable environmental safeguard practices. We keep our services within quality standards.
We constantly continue to research on current technological advancements to be able to advice and supply our customers with the latest technologies.
We enjoy giving back to the community either through CSR or outreach programs in partnership with other stakeholders.
We work with distinguished suppliers to provide only top of the range equipment.
We provide unparalleled customer service and after service.
We train and ensure all our technicians are up to date with current trends and technologies.
Towards Net Zero.
We have been destroying the forests for whatever reasons for many years. Forests that work much like our lungs, It is a long established fact that measures around the world have been taken in an effort to combat climate change, we at Ecovex Systems Ltd have taken a step to be part of that change. Think Solar, Go green.
our Impact
Complete Projects
People Served
+ Tons
C02 Saved
Tired of high electricity bills?
Switch to solar, go green. Get your personalized quote today.